Hello, my dear readers!
I hope You’re doing well. In last days I felt my head full of imagination and it was great to be on the hills just near my city to admire an incredible sunset, full of pastel colours tone and an amazing fog over the villages at the feet of the hills. It was a sort of conjunction of elements, because in my car, on the radio, I was listening a Jimi Hendrix song, that i loved to play with my guitar: purple haze. And…the fog was really in a delicate purple tone! This was my picture:

I drove home and started immediately to paint an abstract Jimi Hendrix, immersed in purple colours. I wanted to represent the difficult and full style to compose the music by Jimi himself and something that was able to surround the watcher in the same way, but with colours instead of melodies. It had to have many signs able to transport the vision. The result is a 60×90 abstract which can accomplish not only a home, but a club, a bar or a restaurant too.

This technique remains in my brain for a day after and I decided to use it to paint a sensual face of a woman, surrounded by passion, elegance and distractions. I wanted to convey the idea using red, black and bronze. What I had in my mind was not the typical woman portrait, but something can create mystery and sensuality, without to paint any part of her body. I added the idea to hide to the observer the most part of the face itself. Here too I used only the palette knife, for this 50×70 abstract painting:

This last one was bought by a collector, who immediately fall in love at first sight and that was my great pleasure!
What do you think about? It would be so nice to have Your feedback and for any question, fell free to contact me!