Hi, guys! I hope you’re doing well, wherever you are!
It has been a long Winter, lived with energy and powerful moments concerning my inspiration and my private life. I started this Spring with a new energy: I have never been so full of ideas, strength, imaginations and desires… I thought: if You don’t do nothing today, tomorrow will be exactly the same… One morning I woke up and I spoke to myself, telling to act in my life, like never before…
I believe the Universe gives back to all of us what we worked for, what we deserve for our good acting in life. And this time I had my connection with my own dimension, with my desire, with my big “Me”. It was very strange, ’cause everything happened so fast, during one particular nice evening in my beloved pub in the city. We know the future is a series of events we decide in the present: if we put good intentions in a moment, they will grow up. Never stop to watering the plant of our love, or it will die, inevitably. People who choose to divide their life walking with us requires that action and we too for them. “If You don’t do nothing today, tomorrow will be exactly the same”: never stop to watering ourselves, our beloved persons in life, our passions, our time… Or everything and everybody will leave us. And we have to leave everybody, every situation, every place which are not watering our souls.
I felt like I was woking up during a “never saw before” dawn. I decided to paint a poppies field during a very delicate dawn, in the most imaginative Spring time representing the flowers that par excellence are the symbol of this period. I wanted to translate my emotions on canvas, mixing my abstract way with the impressionist way itself, remembering the masterpiece of Claude Monet, which signed the beginning of everything, for me. So, i had this 24×30 canvas and I filled it with delicate pastel colours. I did it just after my coming home.
That’s it:

But…it’s not all! I love to translate my feelings on canvas and they’re very complex. I drawn with a black line an imaginative woman, in a sensual looking way, to produce an abstract painting which can be hanged up in different furnitures. Its realisation here, on my YouTube channel:
But…again! I’m so inspired and I read very much about Universe, forces and Hindu myths, so I decided to paint all that: It’s a story about the birth of the universal force and I called it Śakti, the power of a Goddess to give rise to the phenomenal world and the conscious plane of creation. Śakti indicates the personified feminine divine Energy. I wanted to represent all that with a new technique called “water blending”: mixing a great variety of colours in a fading way using a great amount of water, adding at the end structure and crackle paste, pure silver and pure gold to significate the beginning of all elements of the creation. Do you remember Steve Hawkins’ “Theory of All”? It’s a very particular painting, which means for me my reborn. Life is a cycle and all returns to the beginning, to start again and again… But the first moment is the most powerful, or?
That’s it, explained on my Youtube Channel!
The morning after the painting, I saw by my car this incredible airflow alignement in the sky, which remebered me immediately the same significate of my vision: it was an imaginative moment to be greateful for…:

I hope You like all that and let me know in the comments all Your thoughts!
Check my Paintings section for new incoming works!
A hug by me and be colorful and happy!
Bye! 🙂