After spending a busy day, I decided to go for a walk near my home, on a beautiful evening. Spring is an incredible season, with its explosion of life after the darkness of Winter: it seems the nature is opening the entire soul to the sun and to the incoming light.

The atmosphere makes everything lighter …
I have been so lucky to see a flock of grey heron!

Away from the confusion of the city I feel so good. I live in the countryside of my hometown, so for me it’s just closing the door, which gives me the possibility to be here. At home, so many birds awake me on the morning before the clock and the sun rays are something that I could never stop to desire. With the sunset, the blue and the golden hour cause to me something magical, especially with clouds in the sky. I don’t imagine to live in a city like a jungle made by asphalt and traffic, without to appreciate the sunset in a free way: something that I really can’t stay with.
I brought with me my didgeridoo: in general I play it at home, but today I decided to play at the river. I don’t like so much to be surrounded by people when I’m in the nature, so I chose a lonely place. For some moments, the sky became a magic painting, due to the wind:

I love the sound of this instrument: so particular, able to awake in me dreaming sensations and vibrations. I think the energy it moves in our body and soul is unique. It is a magic, which brings us to a spatial dimension where we can feel light, recreate the sounds of wild animals and perceive an immense and free space around us. Just close your eyes and let yourself be carried away by the vibrations … It’s hard to play, but with a little practice you get to use to the circular breathing.

Music, nature and the entire life are my inspiration sources.
See you soon with another post here on the blog and on my YouTube channel for next painting video!
Ciao 🙂