Hi! I hope You are doing well in Your days!
These were for me very inspiring. I worked very hard, but I had many time for myself like I love. I read very much in my life, especially in winter. Some of my friends call me “the book eater” 😛 I love different types ob books: from stories, to mysterious ones, crossing by historical, narrative, and romance. Typically I read on the evening, with my beloved candles. All the year I use very much of them at home and in the garden in summertime: I think the warm light they produce is so beautiful, that can create a romantic atmosphere and to give me more concentration when I work or when I read, in fact.

I have a lot of books at home and when I go to the book shops I never exit with empty hands. In this period the snow is gone and sometimes it’s raining. In general I don’t love the rain, but I recognise that it’s able to create a particular light and situations all around, especially in a city. I felt it’s necessary to switch my mind and capture the beauty in something that maybe I don’t like so much. So, why don’t paint an abstract city with the most beautiful way to give to the observer a sense of beauty? I thought to a woman, dressed in red, one of the universal symbols for erotism, passion and desire. I was thinking about the color of the hairs and I opted for black, to match the city itself, to enhance the sense of mystery, due to the wind and the reflections in the water on the ground. It was difficult to think about a blonde woman, because by one side it can create a great contrast, but to the other one can avoid to match what I talk about just now… Sometimes it’s so difficult to decide! In anyway there’ll space for a similar painting with a blonde woman in my production, why not! Here I use many gradient transactions between white and black, obtained with mixture of ash and acrylics. Do You remember I told I obtained my own pigments with natural elements? You can find about it her in my blog 🙂 Back to this painting, I wanted to represent the light just after a storm, but with the rain still falling. So, I painted the abstract buildings using a particular technique to give the sense of perspective and height. I titled it “Pioggia in città” ( Rain In The City ).

The woman has a so beautiful sense of strength, but at the same time, fragility. The long hairs and the red dress are dancing together by the wind and she’s protected by an umbrella which is reflecting with the rest of the figure on the ground. I think this is a delicate sense, but also a great communication of erotism. She’s the only human in the city and she can conquer the space alone, without fear.

This painting was sold to a collector, who’s a great connoisseur of paintings and photographs. I received a warm message, with many congratulations for my packaging, the authenticity certificate, the thankful paper and the details of the painting. It was a honour to see it standing on a wall with so many important operas surrounded! The collector decided to give the painting a frame, white and very delicate, which is matching perfectly the sense of the story inside.
So, what do You think about? It would be so nice to read Your comments down below and if You have some questions, contact me!